About Us

Call now or schedule online to set up an appointment for your certification

15+ Years Experience

As the first wellness center in Mid-Michigan, we have with over 15 years in the cannabis industry.


Michigan Wellness Center

Michigan Wellness Center has physicians on staff who are willing to sign the state application as long as the appropriate medical records attesting to the condition are provided to them. MWC’s primary goal is to provide information and guidance to those people in Michigan who are looking to obtain their Michigan Medical Marijuana card. We provide our customers with factual, Medical Marijuana information which is in full compliance with the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, passed in 2008. Our Primary focus is to teach patients about the use of NO-HIGH cannabis.

See www.michigan.gov/mmp for a complete copy of the state law.

Our knowledgeable staff assists in the retrieval of patient’s medical records and offer Physician Certifications necessary for the State application process. Our Physicians are Michigan licensed and in full compliance with the law. Once we have all necessary information we help you prepare your state application for mailing. There are many patients who are still struggling to get the legal Physicians certification needed for their state application. Whether it is due to the awkwardness of asking their Dr. for a recommendation, or due to totally non-compliant Dr’s., it is our mission to make the process easier for the chronically ill!

We assure customer satisfaction with personal care.

Our service is focused on respect and compassion for our patient’s privacy. We are committed to providing confidential and private care to all Michigan residents who may qualify.
MICHIGAN WELLNESS CENTER ensures that each patient gets the information, support, and care that they need and deserve, for a better quality of life.

Get Card Online

Speak with a Michigan Doctor Now. Get Your Card Via Email The Same Day.
100% Money Back Guarantee

Get Card in Person

Speak to a Licensed Doctor. Instant Card Via Email For Ages 18 or higher.
No Medical Records Required.


GET YOUR CARD and legally obtain medical marijuana without fear of violating the State of Michigan Marijuana Laws.