Cannabis Nutrition Specialist

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), an intervention within the Nutrition Care Process.

Medical nutrition therapies are available from Dr. Courtney, MD, of Cannabis International. Schedule a visit online or by phone to learn more.

Why is Medical Nutrition important?

Since all individuals must ingest foods and nutrients to survive, modifications to intake are among the least expensive and safest means to prevent and treat disease. Registered dietitians (RDs) use nutrition intervention and counseling to significantly improve weight, body mass in- dex, hmoglobin A1c, blood pressure, and serum lipid levels (3). RDs also use MNT to achieve significant health benefits by preventing or altering the course of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, disorders of lipid metabolism, heart failure, osteoporosis, celiac disease, and chronic kidney disease, among others (3). Physicians and other licensed independent practitioners use MNT provided by RDs in combination with pharmacotherapy — the treatment of disease using medications provided by pharmacists — as part of a comprehensive approach to disease state management.

Why do I need Medical Nutritional therapy?

Diet is an important part of everything we do. Food gives our bodies and our minds the fuel to think clearly and execute daily tasks. At Dietitians at Home, we believe that everyone should see a dietitian every year, in the same way that you see the dentist or general practitioner every year. Diet affects every facet of our lives, from how we look, to how we feel, to how we sleep, to how we move, and even to how we think. With diet affecting our lives in so many ways, it’s important to have regular check-ups and interventions with a dietitian to assure that your diet is in good condition in the same way that you have check-ups and interventions with a doctor to make sure your body is in good condition. MNT can play a life-changing role in reducing complications associated with certain chronic conditions, such and Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Our dietitians use the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines to counsel patients on lifestyle changes and self- management skills.

The Bottom Line

MNT is a well-established, nutritional approach to alleviating, managing, and even treating certain medical conditions.

It has been proven effective for many common chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, and digestive disorders.

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Schedule a visit online or by phone to learn more about Medical Nutritional therapy.

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